Employment development

The Point site is allocated for employment uses development by Sefton Council in their Local Plan. At least 75% of the site will deliver employment uses, bringing new companies to the area and providing existing local companies with new and modern space to stay and grow in Formby. The vast majority of the new jobs created at The Point will be in areas such as manufacturing, light industrial uses, Research & Development, offices, storage and distribution. We are actively marketing the site and are confident that demand from commercial occupiers is strong.

3D aerial visual of employment units

Why are retail, leisure and other uses needed?

While the site has been allocated for employment development, Sefton Council acknowledge that there are significant additional costs associated with required highways works and providing services, such as electricity and drainage, to the site. A viability assessment has found that employment development alone will not provide sufficient funding, and so the retail and leisure development, along with the proposed community health care facility, are needed to provide the extra private sector funding required to develop the new employment space.

3D visual from roundabout showing employment units

What is a hybrid planning application?

The application will seek planning consent for some elements of the development in detail (full permission) because we have named occupiers and know exactly what they require, and some elements in principle (outline permission) because we do not yet know exactly who will occupy these elements and what their specific building/site requirements are. Such details will be confirmed through Reserved Matters planning applications in due course.