
Sefton and Formby Developments will soon submit a hybrid planning application for a new employment development, with supporting retail and leisure, next to the Formby Bypass. The proposals include:
icon emplyment
Over 75% of the site will be dedicated to employment, light industrial, logistics and commercial use. This totals around 25,000 sq m of employment floorspace across a range of small and larger units
icon people
Over 1,000 new full and part time jobs
icon shopping
Two new foodstores, for Lidl GB and M&S
icon coffee shop
Two drive-thru facilities, one of which will be for Costa Coffee
icon health
A potential new Health Care Facility
icon bus
Highways improvements to include a traffic light controlled access junction from the Formby Bypass

Once fully developed, it is expected that over 1,000 new full and part-time jobs will be created at The Point for local people. These would be for a range of industrial, distribution, retail and leisure posts. A number of additional jobs will also be created during construction.

proposed site plan